Crowd-generated Contextualized Behavior Change Messages

Health communication researchers synthesize complex qualitative data to create personalized text-message based interventions for behavior change, but the process is time-consuming, cognitively taxing and resources-intensive. Crowdsourcing shows the promise of supporting this process, through “on-demand harnessing of flexible and powerful human congnition”. In this work, we addresses the following challenges of crowd-sourcing research: getting behavior change message content that is context-appropriate and non-redundant. We are conducting an empirical study of a three-stage approach for enabling crowds to create context-appropriate, tone-sensitive and non-redundant behavior messages.

This work is under progress.




Dynamical Health Communication for the Twenty-First Century.
Kelly Hall, Gaurav Paruthi, S. Smith, Pedja Klasnja, Mark Newman, Susan Murphy
36th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Antonio, TX, 2015